A local school is hostility, because she has moved her school festival because of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

Aschaffenburg On your site, the conveyor writes school from a “variety of ugly E-Mails and phone calls”. Rights groups have called on the network to place the school with verbal abuse and insults lame, said headmaster John Grod on Friday. Whether the hostility to criminal charges, want to check the police according to their own information, together with the state security Commissariat.

At the affected school for about a third of the 160 students of the Muslim faith are, according to the representation of the head. For the Feast, the parents would want to cook an international Buffet. The original date in mid-may, however, have located accidentally in the middle of the Ramadan, said Grod.

During the 30-day fasting month of Ramadan, food and drink, Muslims in General, only after sunset. Therefore, the school have postponed the Festival to next school year, said Grod. It would not be a school community, if you would otherwise exclude believers. Over the laid-out Feast and the hostility had previously reported several media.


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