Ten years of the Porsche 356 spent in a Museum. 70. Anniversary, the classic back on the road

this mid-engine two-seater, and its rather modest performance of Ferry Porsche was the first to put his Vision of the ultimate road-going sports car. Of the 356 “No. 1” was produced in a small workshop in Gmünd hand and paved the way for high-quality small-series sports car.

With its ingenious technical solutions Porsche offered for the first time an affordable, everyday Alternative to the expensive special orders from the Europe of the pre-war period.

The 356 “No. 1” Roadster received, on 8. In June 1948, its General operating permit and road approval – a milestone in the history of the automobile. the Porsche was now a real sports car Builder.

classic car for Porsche, therefore, of enormous importance and a piece of the company represents the history, that should come in this important anniversary year perfectly. Therefore, a small group got together at the beginning of 2018 in Zuffenhausen, in order to plan how you would present the first 356 on the international stage optimally.

also read: A spin in the rarest and probably most expensive Porsche in the world.

Porsche 356: A legend returns to the road