Despite her entry into government, Rachida Dati is still part of the Republicans. A funny situation with which the right does not seem to be comfortable.

While Rachida Dati created controversy yesterday during her appearance on the popular show “DVM Show”, broadcast live on Twitch, which is dedicated to rap and urban music, a program “which permanently promotes deal” according to the president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella, the new Minister of Culture is still part… of the Les Républicains party. Indeed, despite her entry into government, she is indeed a member of LR.

After the appointment of the latter to the Ministry of Culture in the Attal government on January 11, the boss of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, nevertheless announced her exclusion from the party: “She places herself outside our political family. She no longer does part of the Republicans. We are in the opposition, so we draw the consequences of his choice with regret” he indicated in a tweet.

A decision that only remained to be validated through the party’s political bureau (BP). Surprisingly and as reported by Politico, the ousting of Rachida Dati was not even mentioned during this famous political office, Tuesday February 13. “However, suspensions and exclusions of activists much less well known than they were decided during this meeting” confided two members of the office to Politico.

If the exclusion of Rachida Dati was not ratified, it nevertheless highlighted a certain discomfort on the right. “She is no longer part of LR” slipped Annie Genevard, general secretary of the party to our colleagues at Politico. However, the boss is indeed Eric Ciotti, and the latter has not given any news concerning the case of the current Minister of Culture. In reality, President LR can only suspend Rachida Dati provisionally. It is up to the BP to exclude it. “At the Paris council, it suits them that she has one foot out and one foot in” details a source close to the matter at Politico.

In absolute terms, does Rachida Dati really want to leave the party? Nothing is certain, especially since his political affinities remain anchored on the right. “The measures that I wish to implement are the Republicans’ program,” we heard yesterday during questions to the government (QAG). Proof, if any were needed, of Dati’s roots among the Republicans.

If it walks on a tightrope, this strategy could still serve an important element which did not seem, until now, to enter into the discussion: Emmanuel Macron. As the 2026 municipal elections approach, “the interest of Macronie is that Dati takes LR on board” analyzes a former right-wing minister to Politico. At this rate, the former Minister of Justice under Nicolas Sarkozy could well remain both Minister of Culture in the Attal government and member of the Les Républicains party, chaired by Eric Ciotti.