you just wanted to from Leipzig to Nürnberg, but since Sophia was not. A man from Tuesday on trial for murder. Sophia’s family hoped a lot from the process.

Bayreuth – Why was the student of Sophia Delete die? This question will now be answered. On Tuesday Bayreuth begins at the district court in the trial of a truck driver.

He is said to have murdered the 28-year-old woman. What first sounds like a factual and legal processing, for the family of the dead highly emotional: “We expect that the truth comes to the light of day. As a pair, you want to know you, even if it is still so cruel,“ says Sophia’s brother Andreas Delete. The case was made in Germany headlines. Also because in the room that Sophia refugees could have fallen victim to.

Now, in 1977 Morocco-born Truck driver, is on trial. Twelve hearing days with 17 witnesses and three experts are scheduled to find out what really happened.

Sophia-murder case: trial against a truck driver starts out brother with emotional words

The German student wanted to hitch-hike in June 2018 from your place of study in Leipzig in the direction of Nürnberg. From there, you wanted to go according to her brother, Andrew, by S-Bahn to your family to Amberg in the upper Palatinate. But Sophia never came. Her brother says, Sophia was often hitchhiked, and I’ve sent while driving messages via mobile Messenger.

At a service station on the A 9, in Saxony, the Truck driver, the hitchhiker, and according to the indictment, later murdered, to have taken – according to court information, with blunt force trauma to the head. The exact modus operandi is unclear. The defendant was, according to the court, to have the student in a skirmish killed. As a crime scene, upper Franconia is suspected. The driver of the Truck was taken in Spain. There is also Sophia’s body was discovered, a few days after her family had reported her missing.

case of the murder of Sophia: brother criticized communication in the police

the parents of The student and her brother in the process as a co-plaintiff. The family has repeatedly criticized the work of the German investigators. You would have to be classified, Sophia long as a missing person’s case, although from the beginning, the suspicion of a violent crime in place.

Also have the communication between the Federal States of Bavaria and Saxony doesn’t work. “It can’t be that they are arguing for three days about who is responsible,” says Andreas Delete. The Spanish police had, however, “exemplary” and “in the wind” worked.

Before the trial, not to Delete it again, that it’s going to be violence on the part of refugees, but violence against women. The background is that right-wing populists have tried to use Sophia’s death. Among other things, participants of an AfD Demo in Chemnitz, a “silent March had worn”, in the last year the photo of the student in the large-format through the city centre.

case of the murder of Sophia: hate mail against the family

“We will not let the memory needs of our Sophia for xenophobic purposes”, had explained to the family after that. “This event was not a place of sincere mourning for Sophia, or anyone else, but a place of agitation and meanness.”

Sophia have been used in many years of work, decided against exclusion, racism and xenophobia.

the family reached among other things-hate-E-Mails, such as Andreas Delete reports. These and Statements in social media have been tested by the Bavarian Central office for Cybercrime in Bamberg, as a spokesman confirmed. In one case, a perpetrator had been identified from the area of Leipzig. The procedure did, however, have to because of guilt inability to be adjusted.