after seven minutes, the officials may stop the electric car. At the controls of a local government sat official.

This chase is likely to remain with the police for a long time. Over eleven kilometers of the California Highway Patrol pursued a Tesla in San Francisco and the driver noticed nothing. Why were the first to recognize the officers when they stopped the car after seven minutes.

chase at 112 km/h – a drunk driver, missing out on everything

Because of the Tesla-driver – a government official – was drunk. But that was not the only reason, why the man had ignored the sirens of the police. To top it all, the man was sleeping still, and was only awakened by the officials. The British News Portal “The Sun reported”.

Accordingly, the Tesla Model S , with around 112 km/h on the road, as the police was on the vehicle. Since the driver has not responded to the signs of the officials, drove a patrol car next to the Tesla. Only then, the police officers noticed that the driver fell asleep and the vehicle with the Autopilot drove. To stop the car, put a police patrol in front of it and forced the autopilot to a Stop.

also read: Tesla driver is with Autopilot whopping penalty.

Tesla car to alcohol-journey arrested

After the driver was awakened, led the officers to a nearby gas station for a breathalyzer test. This was positive and the driver was arrested. Against a Deposit of around 13,000 Euro (US $ 15,000) can leave the Tesla-owner of the prison to the court process.

The police is now investigating how the man has used the auto-pilot. Because this can only work if the driver has both hands on the wheel – Tesla itself has no explanation.

Also interesting: sees Through the eyes of a Tesla – a Autopilot.

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