Who collects too many points loses the driver’s license. However, under certain conditions, drivers will be able to do something about it.

Goslar, Germany (dpa/tmn) – five years Ago, a Reform of the traffic Central register in Flensburg, colloquially traffic sinners file, called, came into force.

57. Traffic law in Goslar, is drawn up an interim balance sheet of the new fitness to drive, register. Lawyer Christian Janeczek of the working group traffic law in the German lawyers Association (DAV) explains what should know traffic participants.

What’s the point ?

For administrative offences with a fine of a minimum of 60 Euro, says lawyer Janeczek. To red-light violations, speed violations, and the distance, for example.

when to threaten more points?

Two points threatening, according to the lawyer, in respect of administrative offences where a driving ban is provided. For example, in the case of exceeding the speed limit by 31 km/h within or from 41 km/h outside built-up areas of the case. Two to three points, there are so-called traffic offences. This includes the unauthorized Removal from the scene of the accident, drink-driving, or a hazard of road transport. Also as a traffic offense, the negligent injury in road traffic is counted, if it is covered with a driving ban.

how many points is threatening a driving ban?

can a driving ban of at least a month for it to come in the case of infringements for which two or more points are provided, said Janeczek. These include violations of, for example, speed. In the case of administrative offences, a driving ban be imposed of between one and three months. In the case of traffic offences, prohibitions of up to six months, threaten driving.

when it comes to driver’s licence withdrawal?

The driving license withdrawal, with a lock-up period for obtaining a new driving licence threatens the one who has accumulated eight or more points.

Is there a limitation ?

In the case of administrative offences, there is the so-called limitation period in proceedings. At one point, the repayment period is 2.5 years, in the case of Two-point violations for five years. Exactly one year after the eradication of the final deletion is then carried out.

you Can do something to score points to reduce ?

Who has a maximum of five points can reduce the time to visit a fitness to drive seminar a point. Before the Reform, there was a so-called point removal seminars. The structure of the seminar was from a level of 14 points is mandatory. At the time, was still being counted differently. In addition, there was the possibility of voluntary visits to a traffic psychological counselling. This way you could remove two points. Today’s fitness to drive seminar is now to kill two birds with one stone and combine the two. It includes the training in the driving school and the visit in the case of a traffic psychologist.

What is the cost of the participation in the Seminar?

For a fitness to drive seminar will be according to the DAV about 500 euros.

traffic law