mother-and-child Parking spaces: they are specially designed for parents who are traveling with children. Nevertheless, a mother with children receives a ticket – the reason is absurd.

he Who walks with children, shopping, is glad about mother-to-child-Parking – as a parent-and-child Parking known. Parents have to pick more space to the young from the children’s seats or the stroller to prepare.

Three children are not enough for a mother-and-child Parking

But even childless drivers buttons on the actuator. For that, you can be on private Parking towed. But a mother with three children in the car also, is new.

As the British News site The Sun reported, was a single mother in England, a penalty of 290 Euro. the you have unjustifiably stood on a mother-and-child Parking , claims to the private Parking operator. The reason: they have none of their children got out of the car and thus no need for more space.

also read: I May also be without a child on a mother-and-child Parking space?

mother-and-child Parking only in the company of a child

In the terms and conditions of the Parking lot, parents should use the car Park only when accompanied by a child under the age of twelve. the The mother went shopping alone , because her son was sick. You have selected the Parking lot because he was closer to the Store, and she thought that one of her daughters could reach faster if it should go to the brother worse.

The operator of the car Park showed apparently no compassion. The Sun a spokesman said that no child had dropped out and the mother did not need more space . You would have to Park your car in a normal Parking space. An appeal of the woman, the company rejected, as they have clearly violated the rules.

Other parents have on pitch Parking, do not want to have them disabled. This would show the photos that had the operator of the penalty. the Therefore, there are two parent-and-child Parking spaces were free. all The action is a pure rip off, the mother said the News Portal.

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I May be without the children on a mother-and-child Parking space?

In Germany, there are also mother-and-child Parking, however, in the public space. Because the road traffic regulations (StVO) not familiar with this Form of special Parking. Accordingly, not a day of repentance, or using funds can be against “illegal Parkers” .

can be made to private Parking spaces, special Parking spaces for parents with children shown. Who parks unjustified there, it can be towed. the exception: At the entrance, it is pointed out that the highway code applies.

Learn: mother is parked in the disabled Parking and employment receives Menden piece of paper.


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