Icy cold weather is expected in France next week. Coming from Russia and Scandinavia, the “Moscow-Paris” will cool France this weekend.

The “Moscow-Paris”, a big cold wave, arrives in France from the weekend of January 6 and 7. These freezing temperatures, coming from Russia and Scandinavia, will be 3 to 5°C lower than normal in recent days, according to the Weather Channel. While the start of winter was mild and wet, the change looks set to be abrupt next week with “increasingly severe” frosts and afternoon temperatures that will make thawing difficult, according to the weather service . From Saturday January 6, a dry cold spell will set in and degrees will gradually fall across the whole of France, even in the mildest regions. Thus, temperatures will not exceed 5°C near the Atlantic and they will fluctuate between 5 and 10°C near the Mediterranean. The coolest days are expected between Monday and Thursday, or even next Friday.

The nights are expected to be very cold with the presence of a continental air mass at -10°C around 1500 meters altitude. Temperatures below -5°C will become widespread, according to the Weather Channel, and they could even reach -10, – 15, or even -20°C “in certain valley bottoms or snowy areas”, such as in the valleys. of the Jura, certain nights. The frosts should last several days, like in Strasbourg and Lyon. In the Grand-Est, Franche-Comté and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, no thaw should occur between Monday and Thursday. The southernmost regions will be less impacted by this phenomenon thanks to the humid air of the Mediterranean. However, snowfall is expected in the hinterland and perhaps even as far as the coast. Temperatures could soften on Friday, with the arrival of oceanic air, “but the cold air could also resist” causing snowfall, indicates the meteorological service.