After a discussion between Donald Trump and the head of the group, Microsoft is going to continue the talks in view of an outcome by the 15 September at the latest.

After a weekend spent to consider the worst, the horizon lightens to TikTok, the social network that Donald Trump’s threat to ban Us, but that Microsoft intends to redeem by the end of the summer. The american giant of the computer confirmed on Sunday that negotiations were underway to buy the american branch of TikTok to ByteDance, his house-chinese mother.

After a discussion between the american president and Satya Nadella, the boss of the group, Microsoft is going to continue the talks, and in view of an outcome by the 15 September at the latest, according to a press release.

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In a context of political tensions and trade with China, which Washington accuses since months the interface to be used by the information chinese, for monitoring purposes. TikTok has always firmly denied any sharing of data with Beijing. The tone is set up this weekend : Friday night, the tenant of the White House has said that it banned the app and that it had opposed a takeover by an american group.

TikTok should be “sold or retained” in the United States, warned on Sunday the us secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, while the head of the american diplomacy Mike Pompeo promised imminent action from the president “in response to a variety of risks to national security posed by the software linked to the chinese communist Party”.

The video-sharing platform light, usually musical, and humorous, account of a billion users in the world, especially young people. In China, ByteDance operates an app on the same principle, but separate, with a different name.

full Assessment of safety

The acquisition will be subject to “a full assessment of the security and will bring economic benefits to the United States, including the u.s. Treasury,” says the press release of Microsoft. If the transaction takes place, the group will own and lead the social network in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Minority shareholders will be able to join the operation. “Microsoft will ensure that all data of u.s. users of TikTok are transferred to, and remain in the United States”, promises the company of Seattle.

in recent months, the social network has attempted to demonstrate that its identity and its practice were firmly rooted in the United States. On the 1st of June, Kevin Mayer, the former head of the platforms of streaming Disney (Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+), has taken the head of the platform.

in Early July, the application has interrupted its activity in Hong Kong because of the recent law on the national security imposed by China, which gives more powers to the police, in particular in the field of surveillance.

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“We are not going anywhere,” responded Saturday, Vanessa Pappas, head of the branch United States of TikTok, in a video to reassure the users, after the announcement of Donald Trump. She said she was “proud” of the 1,500 u.s. employees and has promised to create 10 000 additional jobs in this country over the next three years”. “The United States would be the big losers if TikTok had been banned,” said Saturday, Daniel Castro, vice-president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a think tank close to the giants of the tech.

“millions Of Americans, including many fans of Trump, use it to create and share content. (…) All their servers are located outside China, and there is no evidence that it constitutes a threat to national security”. On the platform, the content creators worried have posted links to their profiles Instagram, or YouTube so as not to lose their subscribers in the event of closure. Other form of humor or are trying to prove that it is impossible to block a network as popular.

Emulation in Instagram

Some ensure that Donald Trump is seeking to take revenge on the rows of empty seats during his meeting campaign at Tulsa (Oklahoma) at the end of June, when the teenagers had proclaimed on TikTok they had ordered many tickets with the firm intention not to go there.

Microsoft has planned to “build on the experience that the users of TikTok love, while adding a layer of security and protection of the privacy of very high quality”. The it group would have a chance to break into the market is very popular social networks. Currently, he has the professional platform LinkedIn, and Teams, an internal messaging service for businesses. At the end of June, the company has closed its platform streaming of video games to Mix, leaving the field open to the industry giant Twitch (Amazon) and its two rivals, YouTube, Gaming and Facebook Gaming.

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The immense success of TikTok with teenagers, has been emulated : Facebook is preparing to add a tab “Reels” in Instagram to edit short videos on entertainment. The functionality is already tested in Brazil, in France and in Germany.