A spectacular fire in Northern Bavaria on the police mystery. Five Trucks were burned in the night of Sunday from – the damage is in the hundreds of thousands.

Strullendorf – a fire on a premises in Strullendorf (near Bamberg), incurred a loss of around 800,000 Euro. Five of the last burnt-out car in the early hours of Sunday, a police spokesman said.

according to Unconfirmed information the Agency News5 that the Trucks were not next to each other, but at three different Points on the site. Emergency responders extinguished the flames in the early hours of the morning. The cause of the fire was initially unclear, the police have launched investigations.

In the Swabian town of Dillingen, the police is a step further, the investigators have caught red-handed last week, an arsonist caught in the act.

A terrible accident has happened in the case of Landau on the Isar (in the district of Dingolfing-Landau) on the B20. A car driver died. Several people were seriously injured.

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