The presidential convoy made a surprise stopover in the tobacco bar in the village of Roulans on Tuesday, for a coffee and a few exchanges with customers.

“I was sitting in my office when my employee came to me to tell me that Emmanuel Macron had just arrived. I said to him, laughing, ‘Don’t you have any other stupid things to say?'” Narrate it. manager of the Roulans tobacco bar at L’Est Républicain. Tuesday February 6, it was indeed the President of the French Republic who burst onto his terrace, surrounded by his bodyguards. The presidential convoy made a simple stopover in this village in Doubs, around 3:30 p.m., time to sip a few coffees.

“I shook his hand and then he went to chat with the customers at the bar,” the manager tells the regional daily. “He was very accessible, very friendly, it lasted more than half an hour. People told him their life problems and he was very attentive.”

The mayor of Roulans was just as surprised when he learned that the head of state had stopped in his village. “It was quite secret and we can understand it: the president cannot announce to everyone where he is going. I think he wanted a coffee and stopped by chance “, rejoices Alain Jacquot. The councilor, who had sponsored Emmanuel Macron during the presidential election, did not have time to meet the latter, who left after about thirty minutes.

The reasons for Emmanuel Macron’s presence in Doubs have not been officially communicated, but a source indicates to the Republican East that the president would have made a quick visit to a farm in the department.

The village of Roulans and its some 1,125 inhabitants placed Marine Le Pen at the top of the first round in 2022, one point ahead of the current president. In the second round, the latter reversed the trend by ahead of his opponent by only 28 votes.