After the knife attacks in Nuremberg, has taken the police to a Suspect in custody and identified other backgrounds – even in other cities.

In Nuremberg, it came on Thursday evening to three knife attacks. In the case of the attacks which were made probably by the same perpetrators, were injured three women. You are now out of danger. On Saturday, a suspect was arrested. At a press conference, the police announced on Sunday new Details. Now is speculating about the motive of the 38-year-old attacker.

>>> UPDATE <<<

Update from the 20. December, 12.55 PM:

After the arrest of the alleged knife engraver of Nuremberg has asked the Prosecutor’s detention request for attempted murder in three cases. The 38-Year-old should in a timely manner judge before the arrest, a spokeswoman for the prosecution authority said on Thursday, without mentioning further Maksibet Details. The German silent still to the allegations. He is said to have stung last Thursday, three women at the age of 26, 34 and 56 years. All three victims were wounded in the torso is hard – two of the women were at times in danger of their lives.

knife attacks in Nuremberg: The messages from Tuesday, 18. December 2018

Update, 21.05 PM: Within a few hours, three women in Nuremberg by knife were injured in the attacks is hard. The Soko “locust” of the Nuremberg police now checks whether the 38-year-old suspect comes as a offender for similar cases in question – perhaps even in Munich? Until the end of November, a young woman in Munich has been injured in a robbery with a knife heavy. Yet one could not confirm this suspicion, a police spokesman, on demand of the tz*.

Update, 15.39 at: An Ex-girlfriend said the