Bavaria is economically dazzling. But where there are winners, there are losers. That there is in the free state of problems with poverty, the new social Atlas of 2018.

Despite the recent Boom years, the poverty in the Bayern back – to suffer, especially children. The head of the Bavarian workers ‘ welfare, the Ex-SPD member of the state Parliament, Thomas Beyer, accused Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) at the launch Polobet of the social Atlas of 2018, to ignore this problem: “In the coalition agreement, there is no Consideration to poverty reduction, in its government Declaration Söder has not taken the word of social policy in the mouth.” The social Atlas describes especially the situation of poverty of vulnerable children in the free state. The facts:

In Bayern are more than threaten 250,000 children and young people from poverty, that is, whose parents have less than 60 percent of the median income in Bavaria. This statistical risk-of-poverty limit was 2017 in Bavaria at 1074 euros Per-capita income nationwide at 999 Euro. For a single mother with two children, the statisticians calculated a poverty line of 1822 Euro total income (including all social transfers such as child benefit).

+ social Atlas of Bavaria: Around 120,000 children under 15 in Bavaria, the Hartz living in families, IV.©dpa / Julian Stratenschulte

social Atlas Bayern: What people are particularly at risk

The Bavarian state government applies the risk-of-Poverty to the national average – thus, 11.6 per cent of the Bavaria would be at the poverty limit. AWO, however, is due to the higher price level in the Bavarian average income. Accordingly, 15 percent of the Bayern are at risk of poverty, compared to nationwide, 15.7 percent.

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Around 120,000 children under 15 in Bavaria, living in families with Hartz IV. In Munich live in 13.466 total 38.491 Hartz-IV-households with children. Particularly affected by poverty children of lone parents (36.7 percent) and with an immigrant background are threatened. Here, the poverty risk four times higher (17.2 percent) than families with children without migration background (4.1 percent). to fight

the child poverty effectively calls for the AWO, an income-dependent children of basic security, instead of the previous coexistence of child benefit, child allowance and Social allowance. You would stand every child in the 619 Euro, which is the current limit in the tax law as a child’s subsistence minimum, “would encourage poor children to 16.5 percent, better than today, and the rich households were not less than before,” said AWO-in-chief Beyer. From the current promotion system, according to AWO rich and medium households benefit more than the poor. The additional cost for such a fairer children’s basic protection of the social Association estimated at around 22 billion euros. “Considering the high social costs of a child growing up in poverty, this appears to us as a small price to pay.”

also read: The word “poverty” no one wants to hear. No one wants to talk about it. However, especially in Munich and Bavaria many people are fighting for their existence. The rich of Bavaria looks the other way apparently.

Klaus Rimpel