the Netherlands the comprehensive Cancer centre the Netherlands, in thinking about the use of tanning beds or the beauty of a sun-tanned skin. The chairman, Peter Huijgens, advocates on Tuesday in the case of AD, even before a ban on tanning beds. He was responding to the news that the number of cases of skin cancer in the Netherlands continues to increase.
according to figures published by the Netherlands cancer registry showed last week that the number of cases of skin cancer in the past few years, considerably increased. In 2019 118.000 people are diagnosed with cancer.
According to the figures from the IKNL is going to be the more than one-half of the cases of skin cancer. It’s the the most common kankersoort in the Netherlands.
Huijgens states in an interview with the AD is that people should not have to compliment it with a “nice tan” as they have a holiday bruinverbrand back. It would be a good idea to find out if the compelling government interest in a campaign is initiated.
‘Secretary of The Young gives a very bad example,”
The surveyor was for many years the head of cancer research at the VU university Medical Center, and is now an emeritus professor. The results of a large-scale European study into cancer to support his argument. It was found that the risk of developing cancer from regular use of the sunbed with a 16-to 20-percent increase.
The kankerexpert has also criticised the minister by Hugo Young of the Health, which last year, with home cooked apple pie told me on a regular basis in the tanning process. “A bruingebrande prime minister, it is a bad example,” says Huijgens terminal. “This is the best reference to the use of tanning beds does not go down to get it.”
a spokesperson for The Young and the zonnebankbezoek of the deputy prime minister qualified it as a ‘private matter’, you will find Huijgens’s nonsense: “You can’t say “this is home”. You only have one life…. You do need to be a doctor in the smokers ‘ area to go in.”