STRIKE. What mobilization to expect during the strike of June 6, 2023? Which sectors are on strike? Transport, education… Update on the information known to date.

While the Social Affairs Committee was considering this Wednesday, May 31, 2023 the Liot group’s bill aimed at repealing the pension reform, the latter was emptied of its substance, a majority of the parliamentarians present having rejected article 1 whose objective was to raise the legal retirement age to 62. Be that as it may, the text will again be put on the table during the parliamentary niche of the Liot deputies, on June 8, despite the risk of being deemed inadmissible. It is in this context that the intersyndicale calls on “agents, employees, students, retirees from the public and private sectors” to mobilize on June 6, 2023 against the pension reform.

“We will not turn the page: together, united and determined to win the withdrawal of reform and for social progress, let’s build strikes and demonstrations everywhere on June 6,” said the group of eight unions and five youth organizations during a press conference held Monday, May 29 at the headquarters of the CFDT. This new day of national and interprofessional strike against the pension reform will be the fourteenth orchestrated by the inter-union. But while the very controversial pension reform project was definitively adopted on March 20 and the options for reversing it are increasingly limited, what mobilization can we expect on June 6, 2023?

According to an Elabe poll conducted for BFMTV and published on Wednesday May 31, 59% of French people still believe that “the fight continues”, it is four points less compared to April 16. In addition, to date, 66% of respondents still say they are opposed to pension reform. As for the movement, it still receives the approval of a majority of the population. Enough to mobilize en masse? Not sure. Over the days of strikes in recent months, the general trend was rather downward.

If the federation FO Cheminots called for demonstrations on June 6, 2023, it remains difficult at this stage to estimate the expected mobilization. Among the railway workers, the last days of strike were much less followed than the very first. A drop in mobilization also observed in other sectors. In any case, the SNCF should deliver initial estimates 72 to 48 hours before D-Day. Passengers on canceled trains, such as TGV, Ouigo, TER and Intercités, will a priori be alerted upstream, if they have left their contact details at the time of ticket purchase. With regard to the Transilien and RER, the SNCF delivers its forecasts in detail the day before the day of the strike, around 5 p.m., on its site and its social networks.

A strike notice has already been filed in the airline sector. On Tuesday, May 30, Usac-Cgt officially called on “all DGAC and ENAC staff” to mobilize for the strike day of June 6, 2023. Nevertheless, it is, for the time being, once again difficult to project on the mobilization expected on D-Day.

As June 6, 2023 falls on a Tuesday, outside the school holiday period, students and their parents are not immune to seeing teachers mobilize against the pension reform. The unions FSU, Unsa, SUD education – Solidaires, CGT Educ’action, Sgen CFDT, FNEC FP-FO and the SNALC have indeed called for a strike in a joint press release. Once again, little information concerning the mobilization expected on June 6 is known.