Former EELV MEP José Bové will make his return to politics this weekend as part of the campaign for the European elections.

More than four years after his second term as a European deputy, José Bové could make his return to the forefront of the political scene. Indeed, the former candidate for the 2007 presidential election (1.32%) will even change sides. As the campaign for the European elections accelerates on the left, Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the Socialist Party (PS) and Place Publique list, is organizing a meeting in Bordeaux on Saturday January 20, 2024. According to information from Politico, the latter should share the stage with José Bové.

The former EELV MEP, the party he notably represented in the Green European primary, with a view to the 2014 European elections, did not wish to support Marie Toussaint, who leads the environmentalist list for the next European elections. The latter is holding a rally on Saturday in Villeneuve-d’Ascq. José Bové is not the first to join the PS list and Glucksmann, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, another emblematic figure of the Greens also gave him their support.

A figure of anti-globalization, the former sheep breeder José Bové now leads a peaceful life in Larzac. His reinforcement might not be too much for Raphaël Glucksmann, the campaign for the European elections on the left raging. According to the latest YouGov poll for HuffPost, environmentalist candidate Marie Toussaint now has a slight advantage (9%), against Place Publique MEP, Raphaël Glucksmann (8%). Both far behind Stéphane Séjourné (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons) with 20% of the votes and Jordan Bardella (Rassemblement) credited with 30% of the votes.