Former presidential candidate Jean Lasalle will become a columnist in Touche pas à mon poste, the show hosted by Cyril Hanouna.

Former MP and presidential candidate Jean Lassalle will join Cyril Hanouna’s team from February 3 on C8. He’s not funny, he’s extremely funny, but he’s not just funny, it’s in these terms that the host of Touche pas à mon poste presented him, before adding that other names are coming [and they] are incredible. The show with Jean Lassalle will be broadcast on weekends for 10 weeks.

Among the show’s columnists, another former MP has found her place. Ségolène Royal made her debut on TPMP in September 2023 and each young person, the former Minister of Education hosts a personal capsule “Ségolène explains” during which she answers five questions in an educational manner, explains Le Point.

Touche pas à mon poste attracts 1.8 million viewers on average, recalls Le Parisien. Often the subject of controversy, the show mixes entertainment and debate on current events and should totally correspond to the former Béarnais deputy who does not have his tongue in his pocket.

Jean Lassalle sat for twenty years in the National Assembly under the label of the UDF, then the MoDem and finally his own movement Résistons!, recalls the daily. But, in 2022, the former mayor of the village of Lourdios-Ichère, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, gave up running for legislative elections because of “medical imperatives”.

From now on, Jean Lassalle is a regular on the small screen. Already in the summer of 2023, he appeared in the game show Traitors, broadcast on M6. The same year, the politician also became a movie star by starring in the comedy Super-bourrées, directed by Bastien Milheau.