The EELV and Place Publique lists are competing for third place in the European election polls. A real challenge for a left in full reorganization.

Far behind the RN and Renaissance lists, the left seems to have to resolve to play for third place in the European elections, according to the polls. While the presidential party and its eternal enemies establish their match in people’s minds, the battle remains daunting for the others. On the left, whoever knows how to raise their list to the third step will score points in the post-Nupes and post-Mélenchon recomposition.

For the moment, two lists are competing for third place in the polls: that of Raphaël Glucksmann, supported by the Socialist Party and Place publique, and that of Marie Toussaint, supported by EELV and the environmentalist pole. A YouGov poll unveiled on January 18 gives the environmentalist list at 9%, ahead of that of the socialists, at 8%. France Insoumise, which has still not designated its head of list, is only in sixth position with 7% of voting intentions.

However, another poll by Harris Interactive, published at the same time, reverses the trend between ecologists and socialists: Glucksmann’s list is credited with 11% and Toussaint’s with only 8%, neck and neck with LR. Neither of the two left-wing candidates can therefore yet claim victory.

Raphaël Glucksmann leaves with the advantage of having already been head of the list in 2019. Hyperactive on social networks, the MEP has been able to talk about his European mandate and mobilize young activists on numerous battles, at the head of which is his campaign against the genocide of the Uyghurs in China. He hopes to be “the big surprise” of these European elections.

But the Marie Toussaint camp also knows how to make surprises. In 2019, the environmentalist list led by Yannick Jadot, on which Toussaint already appeared, had collected 13.5% of voting intentions, taking third position behind… the RN and the Macronists. Since then, EELV has dreamed of repeating the feat.