Nothing tastes better than cookies baking, and some raw cookie dough eating. But it is wise to do not; however, this does not necessarily have to have the raw egg is set. In food technology, and professor Marcel Zwietering, explains what it is.

There are a few people who are able to resist some cakebeslag or cookie dough from the mixing bowl to get to. However, you can take a risk.

“Cakebeslag contains raw eggs, which is a risk of salmonellabesmetting brings with it,” says Zwietering professor of food microbiology at the Wageningen University.

the cookie dough does not always have eggs, but the raw flour, and that, too, is not a sterile product. “It’s been pretty dry, so no bacteria can grow in it, but it can actually cause harmful bacteria and at the same time.”

out Of raw cookie dough, you will not get sick, but it can be done, however. That proves to be an outbreak of E. coli bacteria in the United States of america in the year 2009. There are certainly 77 people, mostly teenagers and children, fell ill after eating fresh, ready-made cookie dough from the grocery store.

as a result of further investigation, turned out to be not the egg – it was, in this case, namely the daily, but the flower is the cause of all the trouble. Manufacturer, Nestlé, has announced after that, only to have cooked the flour for the cookie dough.

‘cookie dough, it is not made for raw food

“It’s the question of who is to blame for a similar outbreak,” said Zwietering. “The goal was to ensure the food is safe, but that it was meant to be. Cookie dough is not raw, just as it cakebeslag.”

the “0-percent risk of a food borne illness has never been. There is one exception: the canned food.

Marcel Zwietering professor of food microbiology
food security is a relative term, ” explains the professor. The “0-percent risk of a food borne illness has never been. There is one exception: the canned food. That is a specialized saw is completely safe and secure.”

There was a state of tension, according to Zwietering. “On the one hand, and the lining of food cans, which are 100% safe, on the other hand, for example, raw chicken, that’s not how it is.” This is the latest he advises everyone to eat. “The chance that you will get sick, it is too big.”

Somewhere on that tension between the absolutely safe and absolutely unsafe, are cookie dough and cakebeslag. Not supergevaarlijk to eat, but it is also not devoid of risks. “Cakebeslag, it is a little bit less safe, because there is flour and raw eggs in there,” he says.

Weighing the risks

cookie dough, or cakebeslag get to recommend Zwietering, to be on the safe side and to take it out. “But,” points out he, “well, sometimes I do it myself, but I think it’s for myself, it is an acceptable risk.”

in addition to This, a healthy adult will usually only have a few days sick from possible contamination with harmful bacteria. “For the elderly and the young children, it is a different story, they will be able to get there faster, and also more serious is the seriously ill.”

The professor encourages them to any such raw products or ingredients in food. “This is also an option for pregnant women, it is better not to eat it. They are taking a risk for the child in the stomach is still not immune to.”

the Same is true for soft-boiled eggs. “But I will eat them on a regular basis,” he says, “because I think that’s actually better than a hard-boiled egg.”

as a senior citizen, but not a soft-boiled egg on your plate? “My answer would be, better not,” replied Zwietering. “But what if it was someone’s favorite food is, then it might be best to do. You have to take a little bit to enjoy life.”