After voting for the immigration law, the RN deputy for Moselle, Laurent Jacobelli, reaffirmed the firm line that Marine Le Pen wishes to maintain if she comes to power in 2027.

At the center of the game on the immigration law while being paradoxically absent from its negotiations, the National Rally considers itself the “ideological winner” of the sequence and hopes to benefit from it in its quest for credibility towards the exercise of power. The deputy for Moselle and spokesperson for the RN Laurent Jacobelli, assured, Friday December 29, at the microphone of France Inter, that if Marine Le Pen comes to power in 2027, “the order will be given to the prefects to regularize zero without- papers”.

Away for several days from the bitter discussions on the final compromise, which took place between the majority and the right, Marine Le Pen pulled off a spectacular coup by announcing that the RN deputies would vote for the text. The three-time presidential candidate thus took the presidential camp by surprise. Even if this law makes it possible to regularize workers in professions in tension, the RN deputy affirmed that it allows us to go “in the right direction” and that it “gives the tools” to ensure “that there will be no more regularization in our country” in the event of the election of Marine Le Pen in 2027.

The vote on the immigration law allowed Marine Le Pen to place herself at the center of the game as she had already done in the Assembly by providing decisive support for the left’s motion to reject the text. Beyond this blow, the party leader was delighted with “an ideological victory for the National Rally”. “National priority is now enshrined in this law, that is to say the advantage given to French people compared to foreigners present on our territory in access to a certain number of social benefits,” said she congratulated.

Building on this “victory”, the RN now intends to take advantage of it at the polls. According to the polls for the European elections of June 2024, the list led by Jordan Bardella, with 27 to 30% of voting intentions, is nearly ten points ahead of the majority while LR is given less than 8%. .