electric cars are considered to be the environmentally friendly Alternative to internal combustion engines, but there is a still better Option? We will explain everything to hydrogen cars.

Some researchers are sure of: hydrogen cars are the future of the auto industry. Because, in contrast to the combustion engine and electric cars free to drive the “fuel cell cars” as they are called, completely emission-free. But so far, only 210 pieces of driving on the German roads – what is missing?

How do hydrogen cars?

hydrogen cars can be seen in the broadest sense as an electric car, since they are also equipped with an electric motor. But instead of a battery of this is powered by a fuel cell .

Here you will learn all about electric car batteries.

Within the fuel cell is a a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen for the generation of electricity. This, in turn, is routed to the engine and drives the vehicle. The great advantage of this out of no emissions , but is only water vapor. Thus, the hydrogen car would be in the use of the most environmentally friendly car. However, the vehicle also has its shadow sides.

How is water recycled?

hydrogen does not occur in pure Form in nature. Therefore, it would have to be tax from water and natural gas manufactured. Together with the storage and Transport of a high energy consumption in addition.

The solution : “hydrogen is a cleaner fuel that is 70 percent natural gas, in the future, but completely from renewable energy sources produced”, explains Dr. Jörg Adolf, chief economist at Shell Germany, in this regard, to the Online Portal image.

interesting : this is Why experts warn that the Boom of the E-cars.

In January 2017 with a car established manufacturers such as BMW and Daimler to stick with industrial companies (including Shell, Linde) a hydrogen Alliance, more research and money in the alternative drive. More than 1.4 billion euros and want to invest the Alliance partner in the hydrogen technology. Alexander Dobrindt announced the beginning of the Betper year 250 million euros of support to provide.

What are the pros and cons of hydrogen cars?

in addition to emission-free Driving, hydrogen-powered cars offer other advantages as well: “70 percent of energy on long distance and in the transport sector consumes. That’s exactly where hydrogen through the quick refuel the classic electric drive is far superior,” says Werner Diwald, expert for renewable energies. Hydrogen could, within three to five minutes to refuel and also a higher range than E-cars. Over 500 kilometers of the Standard, as Dr. Jörg Adolf explains.

However, in contrast to the in just a few hydrogen fuel stations , in Germany. Only 35 of them there are throughout the country – a Problem that is well known to the experts: “We need attractive and affordable cars and a nationwide tank network.”

Suitable : Also for electric cars, there is still a lot to be a few tank options.

2012 explained to Toyota that a fuel cell car would have to cost with the then state of things of 100,000 Euro – for the average motorist an impossible sum. There is also the Problem that hydrogen is extremely flammable.

Still to do in the future, a lot of work in hydrogen cars: In Germany, 15 new H2 filling stations in construction, also, Mercedes and Honda announced yet for this year new fuel cell cars.

by the Way : Tesla is flown recently from the program, eligible electric cars – because of fraud?

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