cruises are a great Option for holidaymakers, the organisation muffle. But as it looks there, with the security? A former employee explains.

Cocktails by the Pool, a huge choice of Restaurants and activities onboard, as well as a full programme ashore, A cruise trip offers everything for little effort. In addition to possible seasickness, some of the passengers but also Ensure the safety on Board. How probably, ship disasters, a la “Titanic” or “Viking Sky” and accidents on Board really are? A former cruise employee grabs.

safety on cruise ships: a former employee

Jay Herring, a former member of the Crew on cruises, says, declared according to the UK Online Portal, Express: “In the case of a vehicle that is as big as a Hotel, lots of things can go wrong. the But cruises are actually very secure .” This was because the whole industry would fall without a flawless security Image . Therefore, the safety standards are much higher than the normal freight traffic on the lake.

interesting : This “strange phenomenon” on cruise ships, passengers ties more than anything else.

cruise ships will be sitting both to the respective Port, the shipping company, as well as in accordance with international law of the sea monitored. In addition, be carried out according to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) annually, approximately 60 inspections in the areas of health, safety and the environment.

These strict regulations also ordinary Numbers: The chances of dying on a cruise ship, are for 1 : 6.25 million – at around 20 million passengers in the year.

also read : this is Why cruise passengers should be on the ship, not sick.

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