The Republicans and the National Rally are now demanding a referendum on immigration and an overhaul of the Constitutional Council.

Thursday January 25, the Constitutional Council decided to largely review the content of the immigration bill, to the great dismay of the right but to the pleasure of the majority. Of the 86 articles contained in the text, the nine Sages censored 35, including 32 deemed unrelated to the subject of immigration. 5 major measures were notably rejected: migration quotas, the restriction of land rights, the tightening of family reunification, access to social benefits and the establishment of a “return deposit” for foreign students. “The Constitutional Council has gotten out of bed. If we have to summarize, the French elect parliamentarians who vote for a law which will not be applied. It’s called the comedy of impotence” annoys the president (LR) of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez in Le Parisien.

After the broad censorship of the immigration law by the Constitutional Council, LR and the RN did not fail to castigate the decisions of the nine Wise Men. In the process, and with the approval of the National Rally, the Republicans requested a new bill with a constitutional revision. “This censorship was expected by Emmanuel Macron and the left. A constitutional reform appears more essential than ever to safeguard the destiny of France” launched the president of the Republicans Eric Ciotti.

This proposed constitutional revision could authorize a referendum on immigration. A revision which, to be legitimate, will therefore have to “be approved by the French by referendum” Eric Ciotti indicated this Thursday. A desire shared by the president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella: “The immigration law is stillborn. The only solution is the referendum on immigration” he declared on X (formerly Twitter). For François-Xavier Bellamy, head of the LR list in the European elections, it is necessary to “get out of these legal blockages which prevent the French from expressing their will” he assures at the microphone of Europe 1 this Friday morning.

This Friday, the LR president of the Hauts-de-France region did not fail to castigate the government after the decision of the nine Wise Men. “We are being taken for a ride by the government,” he says at the francinfo microphone. “The Republicans proposed measures which were desired and approved by the French, we trusted them, they voted for this text, the government voted for this text in the hope that the Constitutional Council would censor it” he believes. The latter is notably awaiting two texts before the European elections, one taking up the censored measures and the other concerning state medical aid (AME). An anger shared by Laurent Wauquiez: “Now, the judge has started to set aside the laws”.