Hélène Thouy, a 40-year-old lawyer, will lead the Animalist Party list for the European elections in June 2024.

Born in 1983 in Marseille, Hélène Thouy first studied law to become a lawyer. During her studies, she campaigned for animal rights and founded the Animal, Justice and Law association. After opening her law firm in Langon (Gironde) in the 2010s, she assisted animal rights associations in animal abuse cases. She is notably one of the lawyers of L214 ethics and animals, an NGO for the defense of animal whistleblowers.

In 2016, Hélène Thouy founded the Animalist Party (PA), of which she became co-president. His party gathered 0.96% of the votes in the 2017 legislative elections, 0.34% in the 2017 senatorial elections and 2.16% of the votes in the 2019 European elections. In 2022, the Animalist Party wanted to present a list for the election presidential election but failed to gather enough sponsorships. From now on, the 40-year-old lawyer has less than three months to convince before the European vote, scheduled for June 9.

The first objective of the Animalist Party and Hélène Thouy will be to obtain the 5% of votes necessary to send deputies to the European Parliament. Between 2019 and 2024, only three defenders of the animal cause, from Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal, sat in Brussels. “Our objective is entirely achievable given the current context. The traditional parties have disappointed” believes the party’s leader. With the formula of proportional voting, the Animalist Party surprised everyone in 2019, by ahead of lists like those led by François Asselineau (UPR) or Florian Philippot (Les Patriotes).

“In 2019, we participated in the European elections for the first time. You probably remember, our score of 2.2% had a resounding impact, placing us ahead of more established parties. This result allowed the political class French society as a whole to take stock of the societal expectations around the animal question” she explains on the party’s official website. Two years later, in November 2021, a law came, for example, to strengthen sanctions in cases of mistreatment or put an end to the breeding of American minks for their fur.

“The European Union can be a real driving force for initiating international changes such as the end of intensive breeding. Most European countries fear, by raising their requirements in terms of respect for animals, of losing competitiveness. Thus, no one is moving forward. The European Union thus has the power to reorient agriculture towards a massive greening of our production and consumption thanks to the reallocation of subsidies. Our farmers are the first to want to evolve, we must help them financially to do it” she continues.

For the European elections, the Animalist Party, led by the voice of Hélène Thouy, is based on 5 main pillars. First, a livable land. The objective is to protect the Earth and its inhabitants, allow the sharing of territories, recognize water as a common good and even prohibit intensive livestock farming. Second pillar: the sustainable basket. This is about supporting the transition to plant-based agriculture and offering more transparency for the consumer. Then, a peaceful society with the desire to create general regulations applicable to all animals to recognize and protect their interests. Fourth: protected health. In other words, advocate a more plant-based diet to avoid diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in particular. Finally, an agriculture of the future by taking charge of the debt of farmers who stop exploiting animals for a reconversion and redirecting all CAP subsidies to help the reconversion of breeders towards plant production.

According to a survey carried out by BVA for RTL, the National Rally list led by Jordan Bardella is well ahead of voting intentions in the next European elections. In second place, ten points behind, the list of the presidential majority is credited with 20% of the votes and will be led, because it is now official, by Valérie Hayer. The third step of the podium is occupied by Raphaël Glucksmann for the Socialist Party-Place publique (11%). The Animalist Party list carried by Hélène Thouy comes far behind the main lists. In the latest polls, it is credited with 1% to 2% of voting intentions.