, The accident of a tractor-trailer combination in Egmating also has legal consequences: The police are investigating the 17-year-old driver. The should not direct the Team.

Egmating – mayor Ernst Eberherr is clueless. “We have six streets, of all places, the steepest in he has chosen,” he says of the Route, which had taken the 17-year-old driver of the tractor-trailer combination, is killed in an accident on Wednesday evening in Egmating (in the district of Ebersberg). 36 young people were on a “Maypole-Tour” from place to place on the road, the next stop should be the Celebration in Neubiberg, Germany. To the extent that the group came up: The two trailers turned over, several people were injured.

tractor accident in Ebersberg: trailer to the Maypole Celebration tipped – 17 injured

in the Meantime, has determined the police, a boys club based in Munich, had been invited to the Tour. The number of wounded, the boar hill circle brandrat corrected first, with 37 reported, was: Two men, aged 25 and 36 years of age are seriously injured and in-patient treatment. A further 15 people had to be treated, the most suffered abrasions and bruises. Three young women were trapped under one of the trailers, they were able to free themselves after the first responders had raised the car.

also read: After a may day rally in Egmating a bad accident. It is difficult for many of the injured, two of them. The 17-year-old driver is in shock.

tractor-Drama in Egmating: Work the brakes properly?

The police suspected that the “braking power of the tractor for this Situation was not sufficient”. If this is confirmed, it will show an accident analytical report, which was given in coordination with the public Prosecutor’s office Munich II in order.

After tractor accident: investigation against the driver (17) – he should not draw

Against the 17-year-old driver of the car-trailer combination is now determined, because of negligent bodily injury, and various road traffic breaches. The legal situation is complex: For a tractor with a certain purpose, explains Jürgen Kopp, Chairman of the national Association of Bavarian driving instructor. “The purpose of an agricultural vehicle is an agricultural, and is given here in any case.”

also read: After the tractor-Drama in the Ebersberg municipality of Egmating, according to a Maypole Celebration, the residents in shock. Still many questions are unclear.

Also, the driver’s license of a 17-Year-old to leave, only an agricultural use. A tractor should pull for certain purposes, two trailers, says Kopp. People you could carry, but “only to agricultural Work, for example, in the case of the harvest”.

Maypole-Drama in Egmating: tractor accident at customs event?

Alexander Kreipl from the ADAC southern Bavaria, speaks of a confusing Situation. “A lot stands and falls with the question of whether the Tour to a folklore event or not,” he says. “As for traditional events, there would be exceptions to the rules.” However, Kreipl, would have overlooked the organizer then an important point: “The minimum age for the vehicle driver in the case of traditional events is 18 years.”

tractor accident, with 17 injured: responsibility solely to the driver (17)?

Jürgen Kopp does not believe that it has traded in the excursion to a folklore event. He says: “A tradition of the event must be applied for and approved. Since there are many requirements for safety, such as in the case of historical processions.“ That responsibility was given to a 17-year-old driver, “has at least a Gschmäckle”. Whether and to what extent the Association may be held accountable, is not yet clear. The leaders wanted to Express on demand.

In Egmating outweighs meanwhile, the relief: “One must speak of a miracle that not more happened,” says mayor Ernst Eberherr.

also read: Michael Leon Bacher of the Free voters in Fürstenfeldbruck died failure on Tuesday suddenly of heart.