Officially head of the LFI list for the 2024 European elections, Manon Aubry did not spare the new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, whom she rubbed shoulders with at Sciences Po, a few years ago.

Manon Aubry will be the head of the list of La France Insoumise in the next European elections, on June 9, 2024. The MEP announced this in an interview with 20 Minutes. She wishes to try to defend the program of the old Nupes alliance on European issues, notably the renegotiation of treaties and the categorical refusal of Ukraine’s entry into the European Union. She did not fail to mark her opposition with the current Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, an old acquaintance from Sciences Po.

If Gabriel Attal will deliver his general policy speech before the National Assembly on Tuesday at 3 p.m., confidence is not there on the side of Manon Aubry, recently declared head of the LFI list in the European elections next June. “In reality, he has a hidden agenda. He will have to impose 25 billion savings on France per year, the equivalent of cutting more than 700,000 teaching jobs. He is not Prime Minister, he is carrying out the austerity obsession of the European Commission” we could read in 20 Minutes, this Sunday.

If Manon Aubry is so keen to mention the name of Gabriel Attal, it is also because she does not know him well. In fact, the two are the same age and rubbed shoulders with Sciences Po in the same promotion. And the least we can say is that the appointment of the youngest Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic to Matignon is very far from enchanting the MEP: “Already at the time, Gabriel Attal claimed to be left-wing , but he must have confused it with the left bank, the 6th and 7th arrondissements of Paris, which he never left. For me, it’s not the world I grew up in,” she said this weekend.

With a view to the European elections, Manon Aubry has a clear objective: to oppose the Bardella-Attal duo. “On migration issues, we have Attal who is rowing, but behind, the one who holds the rudder is Bardella and the far right. That’s the real threat and that’s why we must stay united behind the Nupes program” she explains in the columns of 20 Minutes. According to her, “Gabriel Attal became the first communicator in France (…) the Prime Minister of the privileges of a world in which he evolved and whose interests he still defends today.”

While the Ségolène Royal hypothesis began to make headway on the LFI side, or even a candidacy from Jean-Luc Mélenchon himself to defend the Insoumis, it was ultimately Manon Aubry who won the day and who will carry their voice to the next elections European elections, as in 2019. Four years earlier, the LFI list collected 6.31% of the votes, or 6 elected officials.