This weekend, the Zénith de Limoges will host the “Exovision Symposium”, an event to “prepare” for the possibility of an encounter with extraterrestrials. His appearance in the city raises fears of sectarian excesses.

Extraterrestrials have always intrigued. Some go so far as to wonder when they will arrive on Earth. According to the results of an Ipsos poll carried out at the end of 2022 and repeated in 20 minutes, 12% of French people believe that an extraterrestrial visit could take place shortly. To answer certain questions on the subject, a unique event is being held at the Zenith in Limoges this weekend. For three days, an “Exovision Symposium” takes place in the city with a series of conferences organized by the Celestial Alliances Association.

While this may seem fun at first, the guest list is worrying. There we find, for example, the videographer Antoine Cuttitta, who according to the conspiracy observatory belongs to the covid-skeptical and anti-vax movement and is also a follower of the far-right conspiracy movement from the United States called QAnon. “The guest list raised a lot of questions, particularly on the link with conspiracy and perhaps certain health practices, therapeutic practices which are perhaps a little worrying,” Quentin Bruet-Ferréol, journalist, explained to BFMTV. , specialist in marginal practices.

On the eve of the event, fears of sectarian drift are growing. However, the president of Celestial Alliances assures that this will not be the case. “We are clear, it is a representation, there is no deviation. The public comes freely, they will show discernment, reflections, and will do their own research,” assured Jean-Michel Raoux to BFMTV . The NGO Alliances Célestes is not categorized as a sectarian movement.

The objective of this meeting is presented as follows: “to prepare Humanity for meetings with our benevolent celestial friends”, “to inform correctly” and “to reduce the fear and stress that this type of meeting can generate”. According to the official program, “3000 beautiful souls” are expected at the event, the entry price of which is between 150 and 190 euros. The first day will be devoted to “exobiology and exopolitics”, the second to “science and metaphysics” and finally the last day will revolve around “Humanity and the New World”. The event closed on Monday with a “gala evening” including aperitif, dinner and orchestra in the company of well-known speakers and guests.

The association explains on its site that it wants to “promote a serious strategy for predictable relationships between terrestrial human beings and members of civilizations of an extraterrestrial exobiological nature in order to enable both parties to benefit from a collaboration of a humanitarian, philosophical, medical and energetic nature.” and technological”. A dozen practitioners adept at parallel medicines such as “quantum hypnosis” or “chakra harmonization” will also be present at the event to provide “care”.

As soon as the “Exovision Symposium” was announced in Limoges, some people were perplexed and even worried. The vice-president of the Haute-Vienne departmental council, Thierry Miguel, said he was shocked at the holding of such an event, as reported by BFMTV: “What are these eccentrics who invite themselves to Limoges to putting charlatans and conspiratorial ideas into people’s heads? The president of Gemmpi, an association for prevention and assistance against sectarian aberrations, is also concerned about the presence of people on site: “We cannot put everyone in the same bag, but we must also expect to find manipulators”, he commented to BFMTV.

On the Zénith side, Pascale Tauzin, equipment director, justified, to the Populaire du Center, an important “duty of neutrality” and explained that “not agreeing to rent the room for this or that event could be assimilated to a refusal to sell.