For these European elections, the National Rally is appealing in various professional categories. But one profession is still an exception.

25% voting intentions for Raphaël Glucksmann (PS/PP), 17% voting intentions for Marie Toussaint (EELV). In these European elections, left-wing candidates can still count on an electorate: that of teachers. While national polls give the advantage to the National Rally of Jordan Bardella and the Macronist camp led by Valérie Hayer, the trends are very different among teachers, one in four of whom remains loyal to the Socialist Party, according to the OpinionWay barometer of this May 20 for CNews, Europe 1 and JDD.

Conversely, only 15% of the teachers questioned intend to vote for the National Rally list, although 31% of all professional categories are given. Likewise, the Macronist list, given at 16% of all respondents, only shows 11% among teachers. The Republican list falls to 5% within this electorate, compared to 7% of all respondents.

This advantage to the left-wing lists is largely carried by teachers in the public sector: according to the same survey, voting intentions for Raphaël Glucksmann rise to 28% in public establishments, at the same time as the environmentalist list of Marie Toussaint climbs to 18 %. 11% of public teachers also choose the list of La France insoumise led by Manon Aubry.

On the other hand, on the private education side, the advantage goes to the Macronist list of Valérie Hayer (23%), ahead of that of Jordan Bardella (22%). The Socialist Party list falls to 11%, below general voting intentions, while EELV is credited with 9% and La France insoumise with only 1%.