This majority MEP said he was interested in becoming head of the list in the next European elections.

A glimmer of hope ? Macronie remains the last political force not to have designated a leader to lead its list to the next European elections on June 9, 2024. Bruno Le Maire? Out. Julien Denormandie? Out. “It’s not at all current, it’s not at all on the table” indicated the former Minister of Agriculture at Sud Radio last January. So, in the absence of a designated representative, a rather unexpected candidate has just volunteered.

This is the MEP from the presidential camp Bernard Guetta. “If it is offered to me, I will gladly accept. I will take up the challenge” he said on France 2 this Friday morning. According to him, the head of Renaissance’s list must be “someone who knows the priority issues of the European Union today, that is to say in particular defense issues”. He also underlined the wind of “panic in European capitals in the face of the possible re-election of Donald Trump and the possibility that we are completely defenseless” on the 4V set in Télématin.

First a correspondent for Le Monde, Bernard Guetta was a columnist for France Inter for 27 years. He was also editorial director of l’expansion and Le Nouvel Observateur, then editorialist at L’Express, Le Temps and Libération. During his career, he received six journalistic prizes including the Albert-Londres prize in 1981. He is also the author of works on geopolitics.

After many years as a journalist, he embraced a career in politics as a Member of the European Parliament, member of the Renew Europe group since 2019. He is the first vice-president of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights (DROI) , member of the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) and of the delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee. He is also a substitute member of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), the delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries and the delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean.