The Minister of Health announced this Thursday, March 30, 2023 that he would follow the opinion of the High Health Authority: it recommends the end of the vaccination obligation against Covid-19 for health professionals.

It is a decision that thousands of practitioners have been waiting for for months, so it came from the Ministry of Health this Thursday, March 30, 2023. François Braun told AFP that the government was going, at his instigation, “follow the advice” of the High Authority for Health (HAS) on the obligation to vaccinate caregivers hangs the Covid-19. The HAS had a few minutes earlier issued a press release indicating that it advocated the end of this obligation. However, the vaccine remains highly recommended: “The lifting of a vaccination obligation for professionals does not call into question the interest of this vaccination, whether in the professional environment or in the general population”, it is specified.

In its argument, the High Authority for Health considers that the Covid epidemic is now circulating at a sufficiently low level and that the vaccination rates of healthcare personnel make it possible to decide on satisfactory overall protection: more than 86% of healthcare personnel have did a first booster dose in nursing homes, 89% of liberal doctors also did it.

The French Hospital Federation considers that 4,000 people, including 500 nurses, are currently excluded from health centers for not having been vaccinated. The question of the reinstatement of these health professionals has not been explicitly raised at this time, but it now seems natural that it should be authorized.