If storm Louis was evacuated Thursday evening towards the north of the country, three departments remain on orange vigilance until Friday.

The wind has calmed down. As of Thursday evening, no department is still placed on alert for wind. On the other hand, in its latest bulletin, Météo-France places Seine-et-Marne, Vendée and Deux-Sèvres on orange alert for floods. In detail, “a significant flood of the Sèvre Niortaise, Sèvre Nantaise and Lay rivers (departments of Deux-Sèvres and Vendée), and the Grand Morin (department of Seine-et-Marne)”, is mentioned. All three departments are on orange alert until at least Friday.

In question ? The cumulative rainfall recorded in recent hours, particularly with the passage of storm Louis. For Friday, Météo-France announces “significant amounts of rain in the south-west of Aquitaine, which could exceed 50mm”. If for the moment it is not planned that the Landes department will be placed on orange vigilance, Météo-France does not completely rule out a change in the level of vigilance.

The rains are losing intensity, but the weather event was violent. It even led to the death of a man in Deux-Sèvres. The motorist was swept away by the Le Chambon river while crossing a ford on a road cut off and prohibited from access due to the flooding of the watercourse, according to the sub-prefect of Parthenay. The accident occurred in the town of Saint-Georges-de-Noisné. France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine specifies that the man was 52 years old and died of drowning. An autopsy must take place to determine the circumstances of death. The vehicle was extracted from the water by agricultural equipment, according to the same media. Also note that 90,000 homes were without electricity in “a large northern part” of France at the start of the evening, according to Enedis relayed by BFMTV.

If on Thursday evening Storm Louis ended up evacuating towards the Netherlands and Germany, Météo-France reports in its latest bulletin some notable observations of wind gusts recorded in recent hours. Thus, the gusts reached 125 km/h in Saulty (62), 123 km/h in Chouilly (51), 122 km/h in Bernaville (80), Boulogne (62) or even in Tarbes (65), 120 km /h in Lillers, 118 km/h in Blesmes, 117 km/h in Aigle and Plessy-Belleville (60), 106 km/h in Pau (64) and 102 km/h in Lille (59).