Energy suppliers send very high bills to many customers. But it is possible to avoid unpleasant surprises.

4500€ electricity bill! Yes, this is the amount that is asked to be paid to a customer of an electricity supplier. An exorbitant sum for this individual. But he is not the only one in this situation, far from it. Other households who subscribed to an electricity subscription with EDF or Engie (among others) also received bills ranging from €1,650 to €3,000. Problem is, these astronomical amounts are not errors made by energy companies but are indeed due.

These notes, particularly heavy, will continue to be sent by suppliers, due to the increase in energy costs. Since February 2023, electricity prices have jumped by 20%. Enough to hurt your wallet a lot. And if you’re not yet feeling the effects of this increase, don’t rejoice too soon: everyone is going to have to check out. If some have already received the bad news, it could reach you very quickly.

The date you are likely to see the bill go up depends on your subscription. In fact, the French pay their electricity subscription monthly at a generally fixed price, established by the supplier at the start of the contract, based on the consumption of the previous year and/or on the electronic equipment installed in the home. . Each month, the same monthly payment is paid for 11 months. During the 12th month after the start of the contract, a regularization is carried out by the supplier. The date therefore depends on the subscription date which you can find on your contract.

Regularization makes it possible to reimburse the customer if they have consumed less than expected or to calculate the surplus to be paid if consumption has been greater. Or that prices have increased. This is where the bill could bite. Be careful if you are paid monthly, your regularization bill could soar.

However, to avoid a very unpleasant surprise (without avoiding regularization), it is possible to smooth it out over several months. For this, it is better to count on an increase in your monthly payments. To carry out this operation, you should contact your supplier directly by telephone. An option to seriously consider to avoid the big financial hit of regularization.