This site videoconferencing has experienced a meteoric rise during the containment, but leads to risks on data protection, says the government.

Discouraged by the government, but indispensable in time of confinement, including for members of parliament : the secretary of State for the digital Cedric O pointed out this Tuesday, the paradox of the site of video conferencing Zoom, used for its hearing before the commission of cultural affairs of the national Assembly.

“The very fact that we’re on video conferencing Zoom today for a hearing official of the French Parliament does not tire of worrying the secretary of State for the digital as I am,” said the minister, referring to the principle of sovereignty.

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“I know that in terms of user experience, this is probably the best solution, but it poses even of the real issues in terms of strategic non-dependence of France,” said Cedric O. “If it were not for the tools of Gafam (the internet giants), that this is WhatsApp, Skype, the daily newspaper of the French would have been extremely complicated (for the containment). A whole segment of our society is based on something that we do not control, until our social relations”, lamented a member of the government.

“Risk on” data privacy

The runaway success that is the Zoom since the implementation of the measures to curb the pandemic Covid-19 in France and in the world is being tarnished by a widespread distrust in the field of computer security. To the point that the Management of interdepartmental digital (Dinum), contacted by AFP, “strongly discourages its use, taking account of the risks to the protection of data and flaws that did not provide the necessary safeguards for professional use by the agents of the State”.

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“We do not recommend the use of this video conferencing application”, reaffirmed Cedric O to mps online and from their home. “Most large institutions have prohibited its use. Ourselves, within the French government, have asked the ministers not to use it (…). There are tools in French and it would be better to use them.”

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The Dinum has developed, for the agents of the State, the tool of video conferencing Webconf and recommends other (Tixeo, Rainbow, Livestorm Meet…) She has also launched, always to the agents of the State, the instant messaging Tchap and platforms Osmosis and Plano.