Lina, a 15-year-old teenager, disappeared in Plaine (Bas-Rhin) when she was supposed to go to Strasbourg by train on September 23. An investigation was opened into a worrying disappearance and a call for witnesses was launched.

Lina’s disappearance has cast a chill in Schirmeck, in Bas-Rhin. The 15-year-old girl disappeared while she was supposed to take the train to meet a friend in Strasbourg, on the morning of Saturday September 23. Since then, Lina has not given any sign of life and an investigation into a worrying disappearance was opened by the Saverne public prosecutor’s office and entrusted to the Strasbourg research section. A call for witnesses issued by the Schirmeck gendarmerie is still in progress.

Lina had “no family problems” and never ran away from her parents’ home, according to information from the prosecution. Details which make the disappearance of the young girl even more suspicious and worrying. If the teenager’s running away or voluntary departure are avenues a priori ruled out, “no avenue is favored at this stage” by the investigators who continue, with the help of volunteers, to look for Lina.

The teenager is described as a young girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and is 1.60 m tall. She was wearing a gray dress, a white puffer jacket and also white Converse the last time she was seen. Anyone with information that could help the investigation is invited to contact the Schirmeck gendarmerie on 03 88 97 04 71.

Lina’s mother spoke on the sidelines of the citizen’s fight: “I thank everyone, all the people who participate. The gendarmerie for their responsiveness, all the people who support me, my family, my friends who have been there since the first minute. I want to find my daughter, I want her to be close to me. Like any mother, you will understand that it’s difficult, it’s torture to no longer have your children close to you. It’s is something I don’t wish on anyone, it’s a great pain.”

Lina disappeared while on her way to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche train station, in the Bruche valley, located just three kilometers from her home in the rural commune of La Plaine. The young girl was to join a friend in Strasbourg, it was the latter who, not seeing Lina arrived, alerted the family. The investigation made it possible to determine that Lina never boarded the train on Saturday morning, the Saverne public prosecutor’s office said on Monday, September 25. The sniffer dogs of the dog teams traced the young girl to the departmental road 350 which connects the teenager’s home to the station. It is therefore on this route that research is focused.

The station near which the teenager vanished is located in a rural area, “in a place where there are not too many houses and where there is a little bit of traffic” but the area “doesn’t” is not a cut-throat” according to the details of the mayor of Plaine, Patricia Simoni, contacted by BFM Alsace. And the councilor added: “We are used to walking three kilometers without asking any questions.”

Since Lina’s disappearance was reported, a major search system has been set up by investigators and searches have been organized by relatives and residents of Plaine. Helicopters, drones and dog teams were mobilized to support law enforcement and volunteers to find the young girl, to no avail. Telephone investigations were also carried out. Search operations continued over the weekend and resumed again this Monday, September 25.

A new hunt is organized this Monday with around a hundred people mobilized. Mayor Patricia Simoni tells BFM Alsace that three groups of around thirty people were formed to search three plots of the forest along departmental road 350 in search of clues.