Although several individuals who participated in the fight were arrested, and some indicted, gray areas persist over the course of events that led to the death of Thomas, 16, on the night of November 18 to 19 in Crépol (Drôme).

Questions that persist. Killed during a brawl on the night of Saturday November 18 to Sunday November 19 during a community festival in the town of Crépol (Drôme), the author of the fatal blow to Thomas, 16, is for the time still uncertain. In a press release, the public prosecutor of Valencia, Laurent de Caigny, indicated on Saturday March 16 that “at this stage, the prosecution recalls that the determination of the identity of the author of the fatal blow is certain (… ) is not acquired”. At the same time, Laurent de Caigny also indicated that five new people had been indicted in connection with this affair. Indeed, last Monday, eleven new suspects, including a minor, were arrested at their home in Roman-sur-Isère, and more precisely in the Monnaie district, reports BFMTV.

During their interview with investigators, the majority of those involved admitted to having been present at the scene on the evening of the tragedy which cost Thomas’ life. If among them, some admitted to having struck the teenager, all at the same time indicated that they had not used a bladed weapon, reported Le Parisien. “Suspects explained that they saw knives during the brawl, without being able to specify who was holding them,” explained a source close to the case.

During the searches which accompanied these arrests, clothing, undoubtedly worn on the evening of November 18, 2023, as well as at least three bladed weapons, were recovered by the police. History does not yet say whether one of the weapons is involved in Thomas’ death, specifies Le Parisien. Several phones were also seized for examination. To date, fourteen people have been indicted as part of the investigation into the death of the young rugby player. If questions therefore still persist as to the identity of the person who delivered the fatal blow, emotion still remains important on the spot.