Last of the ten to fifteen, probably of the Dutch right-wing extremists have been found in a leaked database from an old website, etc.), report of The Netherlands on Friday. It’s going to get more e-mail addresses, IP-addresses, messages, and chat conversations. A number of the members wanted to have a private, right-wing extremist organization is set up in the Netherlands.
by the End of 2019, the database of the extreme right-wing forum in the Iron March, have been hacked. It was then taken by activists online, The local newspaper. The forum itself went down in 2017 and, for unknown reasons, off-line.
In the database, had conversations, probably Dutch, the members, are visible. It turned out that it is a private organisation wished to set up. Also has been reported that the members “have made a decision to go and fight”. Another one, a German, who lives in the Netherlands, said that, “violence is the only way for the Jews to eradicate”.
Right-wing extremism on the internet
According to the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security (NCTV) was an attack by a terrorist individual can imagine. “This assessment is based primarily on the potential for on the internet, an individual way.”
finally, The AIVD says that the online usage of the right-wing extremist scene in the past few years, becoming more and more aggressive, and opruiender has become”. According to one researcher PUT, a Dutch consultancy firm in the field of radicalisation, international, right-wing extremists from the other.
A Dutch ex-users of the forum, tells The local newspaper that the members were to be recruited from other websites such as 4chan, and Discord.