Not only the heat-death can threaten the best friend of the people in the car. An accident in the US proves that in the car caged dogs are otherwise in danger.

Janie and Jim Black from the California town of Aptos may have feared the worst, as your mailbox, your garbage cans and the garden wall were suddenly ripped from a Mercedes-Benz S-class down. The driver behind the wheel they could give for the damage, however, is hardly a fault, because it was only a harmless four-legged friend.

dog in the car, garden wall, tears down: So it was accident

dogs during the heat of summer can leave heat alone in a car to only to Trouble with passers-by, ensure, but even the death of the animals . The accident in the garden of the Black family, however, shows that high temperatures can not be the only Problem of trapped dogs.

Surprisingly, the dog named Duke not too shocked, as he looked after the impact the property owners in the eyes. Only a few moments before the Chaos wrapped his leash around the switching lift of the stationary Mercedes, whereupon the animal is attracted violently and the car in idle to the roles brought up as the car magazine Jalopnik reported. As its owner parked at top of a hill, drove Duke a few meters down the road before the car came to the house of the Blacks back to the Keep.

also read: Days in the car, in the snow – man and dog survive thanks to this trick.

The Internet takes it with Humor, in spite of great damage by the dog at the wheel

With an eye on the American TV reporter Katie Nielsen, wink documented the event on her Twitter Account and added a photo of the furry accident:

“A couple of the Bay Area has a hard Friday! Apparently, the dog was see (behind the wheel) with his leash on in the car, left . The leash wrapped around the shift lever and put the car into neutral, which he rolled along the road and into a wall. *here are bad drivers joke insert*”

In cars caged dogs many dangers

threaten as a General rule, dogs, if possible, never be alone in cars to lock up , even if you have to stay there only for a short period of time. Above all, the line should be removed in the car, as these can get caught on Levers or on the steering Wheel slightly.

Also interesting: a dog and a cat: to be able to ride animals in the car?


really sharp driver in the world