you are not as Sheriffs, but as a customer service representative: that is Precisely why the bayrisch Zell country ski trails managers. This is also shown on the payment morale of the guests. to ask

Bayrischzell – people money, not fun. The Sandra Sieber thought before the first Time control of urine along the trail. “I expected, that is a bit of a begging business,” says the Bavarian Zell, a town hall employee. But it came different – very different. “The people,” says Sieber, “the Hammer.”

your ten colleagues, since this season, five in the 100-Kilometer-long network of trails from Geitau up to the Bäckeralm the long runners on the care contribution of five euros to bring to the attention of the reports. 95 percent of the winter athletes would voluntarily, and even gladly pay, says Sieber. “You will see that our trails are superbly groomed and that the money is well invested.” On top of that, the Winter Parking is free and thus virtually also included in the fee.

see also: Bayrischzell: This cross-country trails groomed

according to Sieber but of about. You are more likely to be a consequence of the well-known wisdom: How to be in the forest, pure screams, echoes it back. Is: the friendlier the inspectors encounter, the less you provoke resentment. That is why Sieber is particularly proud of her Team. In addition to mothers residing in the morning for a few hours at the pay machines, has acquired the city hall employee, a number of students from your private environment. “They are all absolutely reliable and very nice,” says Sieber.

So long-not only the impression of the Abkassierens runners arises, would occur in the controllers, not as Sheriffs, but rather as a consultant and supervisor. All have trails plans, and help the athletes with any questions. In comparison to the machines you could also switch to Notes. “There’s a lot of people are very grateful about that,” says Sieber. Not everyone has finally, five Euro in coins in the purse.

So, the inspectors also recognize good, you have to get all fancy, blue Jackets with an appropriate inscription. So to stay with the guests the impression of a professional cross-country trails Service hanging and not having the feeling, for no reason five euros to pull the trigger.

see also: cross-country Sheriffs and night run: Bayrischzell is gearing up for the cross country season.

This is Marianne kitten Rainer is important. The wife of the mayor Georg kitten Rainer is regularly from 10 to 12 o’clock on the trail. “It’s a giant, makes me happy,” she says. Especially because they come so easily with the guests, and you help can. Not everyone knows, for example, that there are in the Sportalm showers and lockers.

Interesting and varied the arrival of some long-runners, told kitten Rainer. You have observed a group of five people, all driven individually with the car in Bayrischzell. “Because I asked you whether you had not thought about carpooling,” says kitten Rainer. On the other hand, she was also impressed by a mother and her daughter, who had come by train from Ingolstadt to the trail. “It’s really amazing how well some people can organize.”

see also: these are all The cross-country ski trails in the district of Miesbach

Whether the control action in the desired increase of the cross-country income low, can’t tell Sieber at the moment. Anyway, a comparison to the previous year was difficult, because the season had begun heuer snow due later. From the feeling of the city hall employee, we will assume that the payment morale has improved, despite the increase in fees from four to five euros. Also increased seasonal demand for cards (50 euros, a reduced price of 40 Euro). The control make your so impression. “You realize that it gets around,” says Sieber. And although positive.