An investigation was opened after a complaint from a person accusing certain police officers at the Châtellerault police station of sexual assault. The acts reported were allegedly committed at the beginning of April while in police custody.

The Châtellerault police station is at the heart of an investigation. The public prosecutor’s office in Poitiers, in Vienne, announced that it had opened “a preliminary investigation into sexual assault” reports BFMTV, this Friday, April 26. This decision was taken after the filing of a complaint on Monday April 15 denouncing sexual abuse. The acts in question would have been committed at the beginning of April during police custody at the police station.

The author of the complaint is an individual who had been placed in police custody at the time of the facts and who was “suspected of concealing narcotics on his person” specified the public prosecutor of Poitiers, Cyril Lacombe, to the continuous news channel. The complainant was searched after being informed of his placement in police custody, a systematic judicial act to ensure that those held in police custody do not have any dangerous objects or illicit substances on them. In this case, the police seemed to be looking specifically for drugs. But the complainant called the body search “a sexual assault.” More precisely, he indicates that several police officers touched his private parts.

After the opening of an investigation, the investigations must “determine the circumstances and conditions of the search carried out within the framework of police custody, as well as the existence of a possible sexual assault committed on this occasion”, a indicated Cyril Lacombe.