with The Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, which is claimed to be behind the birth of the first genetically modified (gm) babies, it’s Monday, and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of three years, reports the Chinese state news agency Xinhua.

The genendokter said in november of last year, number to have been edited to make the twins immune to hiv / aids. The district court confirmed on Monday that a second baby had been born out of an experiment of the Program. According to his own words, he had to do this, the genbewerkingstechnologie, called the CRISPR-Cas9 is applied.

This has led to both national and international, to the great indignation. The main criticism of his work was that it was unethical it was.

The physician has acted in accordance with the authorities, in their own way. He had arranged for funding, and recruited a team for the controversial procedure. Two of his colleagues were given lower sentences.

in China, also condemned the practices of the earlier. He would have months under house arrest, have been, and the government has continued with its experiments, is still. He was fired by the university in the Building. In addition to a prison sentence, should He also pay a fine of only 384.000€.

What’s up with the two babies going to, it is not well known. In a study conducted by researchers from the Berkely University in California, where it was claimed that the two were due to the adjustments to have a higher probability to the event of the death, in October, is withdrawn due to an error in the study design.