search for a Parking space in the city is a big challenge, doesn’t want to face up to some motorists. Instead, the car parked on the sidewalk. The the may?

especially in big cities starts for many drivers in the evening, the eternal search for a free Parking space. Most of the keep patiently looking for a Parking space, and others make it easy on yourself and Park on the sidewalk. Is this allowed and what are the road traffic regulations (StVO) says? We will clarify.

On the sidewalk, Parking in the highway code

The StVO is the first point of contact if there are questions about the traffic law. The rules apply to all road users. According to an explicit ban on Parking on the sidewalk they were looking for however in vain.

But beware: Before you Park now radiant with joy, on the next walkway, you should read more. Even if there is no direct prohibition, the Parking on the sidewalk is not without consequences. The prohibition is apparent from other sections of the StVO.

One of which is § 2 Para. 1 StVO: “vehicles must use the roadways, of two driving the right cars. Side stripes are not part of the roadway.” It follows that cars are not allowed to drive on sidewalks.

§ 12 Abs. 4 of the highway code restricts Parking: “Parking on the right side is the strip, along the road-landscaped Park strip to use, when it is attached to is sufficient, otherwise, please submit to the right edge of the road. This applies in General, also, if you just want to hold; in any case, you have to stay on the right side of the road on the right.”

Easy Parking is expressed, and not allowed on the sidewalk. An exception is found however in the same paragraph, sub-paragraph 4a: “it Is allowed to Park on the sidewalk, this is only the right walkway to use in one-way streets to the right or left sidewalk.”

also read: This invention is a bustle of sidewalk Parker to a white heat.

road sign indicates that pavement Parking

when on the sidewalk or the curb parked may be, the transport plate 315. It consists of a white “P” on a blue background and demonstrates how cars can be parked. Parked may be also, if a Park surface marking is painted on the sidewalk.

These fines for Parking on sidewalks

Who turns off any way, in his car on a sidewalk, don’t be surprised if a Parking ticket on the windshield. Because cars on the sidewalk, a obstacle for pedestrians and force in some cases, parents with strollers or in wheelchairs on the street to avoid.

Parker will be Punished Incorrectly on sidewalks in principle, with 20 Euro fine . Be hampered by the parked car, other road users, increases the penalty to 30 Euro. The same penalty is there when the car is stationary for more than an hour on the sidewalk – with a disability, it will be 35 Euro.

allowed to Park on the sidewalk by a sign, they are not filed yet against the wrong Parking. Parking, for example, imposes, unlike the shield, it will be 10 Euro penalty due – with a disability, it will be 15 Euro.

motorcycles are Allowed on sidewalks Parking?

The rules for Parking on sidewalks are not just for cars. Also motorcycles should not be on the sidewalk parked. However, the police often suppressed an eye, if no one is hindered by the vehicle.

Also interesting: Parking – Is Saturday a working day?


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