you want to go on vacation or buy a new car, but are totally blank? With the 2-Euro method, you will quickly save a lot of money. So.

, Not only for retirement, but also to everyday incidents, at the end of the month is always a little money left over. Finally, a nest egg is not advisable, in order to avoid financial bottlenecks, if the refrigerator is suddenly broken or the car does not start. However, not all German Saving is easy – with this little Trick allows you to place in a very short time a lot of money aside.

2-Euro-method, saving you the secret tip to quickly get a lot of money

According to Focus Online it works like this: you have to Pay in the future for their purchases in coin, but only Seem to be ! Then you must give back To the non-return of money, usually in coins. Any kind of 2-Euro pieces , you get back the money, put it in your purse, but in a separate money box .

interesting : Always blank? With the 50-30-20 rule, you always have a lot on the high edge.

So a couple of coins Hiking almost every day in the rifle – without that you have in daily life the feeling to have to dispense strapped for cash be or even something. And by the way, a goodly sum of money grows within just a few months.

Learn here : the wife is always broke – until you apply the 3 day rule.

tip : Plan, for example, a larger (and more expensive) holidays, you can also apply here the method. Then you don’t take but 2-Euro coins, but Five dollar bill .

also read : do you Possess these 2-Euro-coin? Then they collect an incredible two million euros.


With these seven tips, you can save in everyday life, a lot of money