Since may of 2016, around Bank robber, Manuel H., of the was as bald robber known, the Bavarian authorities to the nose. He is for a total of eleven cases in Munich and the surrounding counties responsible.

Two and a half years of a Bank around led robbers, the Bavarian authorities to the nose. Manuel H., of the was as bald robber known, in may 2016, for a total of eleven cases in Munich and the surrounding counties responsible. On Tuesday, the redemptive message: The perpetrator is caught. In his Munich apartment, the police took up the case. To silence the accusations, the 39-Year-old so far. The investigators are sure: The bald robber did not want to sit still for a long time to rest, planned for at least a further 14 Raids.

bald robber acted flawlessly

It rarely happens that a Bank robber can be so commit many Robberies over a comparably long period of time. Often the police are already on-site before the Gangster can escape. Surveillance cameras have the branches in the view, attentive witnesses to identify the perpetrator. In the case of Manuel H. everything was different. Within a few seconds, he struck ice-cold, and stormed into the banks with a cap, a baseball cap or Balaclava – reached out to the employees with a gun and left in most of the cases, with several Thousand euros to the scene of the crime. “He has actually made no mistakes”, said the investigator on Wednesday at a press conference at the Munich airport.

bald robber: Fatal carelessness

A little carelessness, and the meticulous work of the investigators transferred to the unemployed carpenter. In his penultimate act on 8. November of last year in Uttenhofen (Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm) Manuel H. his weapon fall to the ground. A part of the closure cap splintered. Track safe it is found after the Robbery in the store. And this little piece of plastic in the gun is an airsoft gun – it was the bald robber eventually fatal. Because it is not liable for the Manuel H.’s DNA. On both of his getaway car, a dark VW Passat and a white BMW Touring, which he used alternately, came to him, the investigators on the ropes. A 14,000-Passat-holders and 3,000 the owner of a white BMW came first in question. But the noose is pulled tighter. Six Suspects remained, a DNA comparison brought certainty.

unemployed bald robber lives in the West of Munich

On Tuesday, a special unit of the police overpowered the two-time father of a family in his apartment in the West of Munich. His wife and children were not at home. During the search of the premises investigators found 14 000 euros in cash – the loot from his last Robbery in obersüß Bach. In addition, officials found a list with a total of 25 banks in Munich and the surrounding area. Eleven of which he has raided and loot to the value of over 200,000 Euro. The bald robber was planning at least a further 14 Raids!

After his first Robbery at 18. May 2016 in the Munich district of Allach, Manuel H. was, above all, in the district of Freising active. Initially, the police identified services independently. As the 39-Year-old on 9. May 2017 was looking for but within about half an hour, two banks, a home, joined the investigators of the headquarters upper Bavaria North of Munich and lower Bavaria, their forces at the end with success. The Landshut public Prosecutor’s Ofce requested a warrant for aggravated extortion.

bald robber: chronology of Bank robberies

Munich, 18.5.2016: savings Bank of the mannert road (Allach), height of the prey: unknown.

Fahrenzhausen, 9.6.2016: In the savings Bank of the perpetrators looted several thousand euros.

Wiedenzhausen, 7.9.2016: No loot in the VR-Bank (again, the circle of Freising).

Hattenhofen, 6.4.2017: VR-Bank in a circle Fuerstenfeldbruck. The loot: several thousand euros.

Kirchdorf and Kranzberg, 9.5.2017: Two Robberies within a half-hour in the Kreis Freising! In Kirchdorf, the robber fails, then he assails the savings Bank in Kranzberg. The loot: several thousand euros.

Tegernbach, 3.11.2017: savings Bank in Kreis Freising. Prey: again several thousand euros.

Forstern, 8.12.2017: VR-Bank Kreis Erding. Loot: several thousand euros.

Pfaffenhofen a. d. Glonn, 20.07.2018: Raiffeisenbank in the circle of Dachau. Loot: Thousands Of Euro.

Uttenhofen, 8.11.2018: VR-Bank Bayern – Mitte. Loot: several hundred euros.

obersüß Bach, 18.12.2018: The last RAID will take place in Landshut. Tens of booty: thousands of Euro.

arrest on 29.1.2019 in the West of Munich

see also

Bank in Alling invaded: Anyone who knows this man? and

“Closed”sign on the door: the Bank failed in cinematic Bank robbery near the Champs-Elysées

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