mob Alarm on Instagram: Rapper Farid Bang has insulted BVB-Kicker Mario Götze in a Video, and a bad comparison.

Dortmund – the Last time it went on for Mario Götze at Borussia Dortmund on the up again. New coach, Lucien Favre had the world Cup heroes of 2014 for the centre-forward. Not infrequently, Götze instead of BVB Toptorjäger Paco Alcacér was allowed to serve in the Front line.

Of götze’s change of position is hardly convinced Rapper Farid Bang. The 32-Year-old, anyway for verbal gaffes are known, has taken the BVB-Kicker in a Video in his Instagram Story belonging to the chest.

Farid Bang etches against BVB-Kicker Mario Götze: Dirty Burger-comparison

“I’m a big Borussia Dortmund Fan, but like the majority of Borussia Dortmund Fans, I’m not a Mario-Goetze-Fan”, the musician makes it clear and his mob attack. “With Mario Götze and BVB, it behaves in the same way as the pickle in the Cheeseburger. It is, but nobody wants them“, blasphemes the 32-Year-old.

Background of the Bangs Instagram-is scolding seems to be that idol, it has blocked Recently on Instagram. A “proof photo” the scandal has hooked Rapper in his Story.

look in start you with this post on Instagram

I today my Ketogenic diet. And I take this product really. And for me, it’s a barrel, just a son of a bitch. #I’m taking the real #never fakes #almanigang

A post shared by Farid Hamed El Abdellaoui (@Farid Bang) on Jan 21, 2019 11:41 PST

idol has not responded to the mob attack of a musician yet. The world Cup Hero of 2014 is likely to be busy with his Team for the upcoming Bundesliga Match against Hannover 96 (Saturday, 15.30 clock). After all, it is important to defend the Six-point lead on götze’s former club Bayern Munich.


read*: Carlo Ancelotti baffled, as he apartment of Mario Götze enters

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