Green MP Aurélien Taché declared during an interview with Le Parisien on Wednesday March 13 that he would support the La France insoumise list during the European elections. A choice which is not unanimous within his party which decided to suspend him as a precautionary measure.

“I will support the list of Manon Aubry and La France insoumise for the European elections.” In an interview with our colleagues from Le Parisien on Wednesday March 13, the environmentalist deputy Aurélien Taché announced his choice to support the list of La France insoumise in the European elections next June. He also announced that he would be present at the rebel campaign launch meeting which takes place this Saturday in Villepinte. “I have always advocated for a unified list”, he said, before specifying: “Today, who is taking over the Nupes program? It’s Manon Aubry.”

Member of the Socialist Party then of La République en Marche, Aurélien Taché, who joined the environmentalist party in 2022, explained that he regretted that the head of the Greens list, Marie Toussaint, did not carry a unitary list of the left. “I did not have the feeling that she was opposed to it, but she was prevented by the current management of EELV which remained in an inter-individual logic,” he insisted.

Although several disagreements with his environmentalist colleagues have accumulated, the elected representative from Val-d’Oise, despite his decision, expressed the wish to continue to sit within his group in the National Assembly. A choice which is not shared by the party executives. Unanimously, they decided to suspend him “emergency and as a precautionary measure” during an executive meeting.

For their part, the executives of La France insoumise are jubilant. Everyone thus welcomed a decision which allows to sow trouble in the camp of a direct competitor for this closely scrutinized election. “Together, let’s continue to bring together all the orphans of Nupes to thwart the Macron-Le Pen duo,” wrote the head of the rebellious list Manon Aubry on the social network

According to a latest poll carried out on Monday March 11 by the Ipsos institute for Le Monde, the National Rally list led by Jordan Bardella continues to lead the race with 31% of voting intentions, far ahead of that of the presidential majority credited with 18%. The list of Marie Toussaint, for its part, would only collect 8.5% of the votes while La France insoumise would obtain 7% of the French votes.