, The CSU restricted zones for E-bikers in the Bavarian Alps suggests. Also for ski tourers and snow-Shoe hikers routes are to be disclosed.

Munich – The CSU wants to work for more sustainable tourism. Upper Bavaria is likely to be neither “a pure open-air Museum, a forest or a mass tourism machine,” is in the design of the Leitantrags for the district Convention on Saturday, which is our newspaper.

Necessary-guiding and separating the end of measures””. As a contribution to balancing the interests of the upper Bavaria CSU proposes the “establishment of restricted areas for mountain bikers and E-bikers”. “This is one of the classic goal conflicts”, says the district Chairman, Ilse Aigner: “the E-bike people moving into mountain regions, the great relevance for the nature.”

read also from the Alpine region: earthquakes in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Short after 13 clock, the seismograph from beat. The public is concerned.

conversion to year-round tourism

For cyclists should be designated their own routes for ski mountaineers and snowshoe hikers. In winter sports, the CSU, while not explicitly against the snow cannons. You should, however, adjust generally on all-year tourism, is in the draft, the leader of the former environmental Minister Marcel Huber has developed. You have to look for ways of “how the existing infrastructure in the snow-poor winters, otherwise touristy can be used”. cd

small and agile, E-Scooter could change the picture on the streets. But scooter pioneer Franz Zehendmaier from Kreuth keeps the car for “life-threatening”.