The city of new york, is sick and tired of sensitive information to the media will be wasted. Stability and growth pact, CDA, New spirit, GroenLinks, ChristenUnie, D66, and the DWB have a Thursday night to a proposal submitted in response to this report the matter to the police.
now, As to the parties with a majority in the city council, the shapes, the motion will automatically be adopted.
As a result of the media coverage over the past few months, there is strong evidence to show that confidential information to the press, though. “What is to be confidential, should remain confidential,” said René, and he received from the Party.
The issue let us know having trouble with a movement because it is about a lack of confidence in the council itself”.
the working Group is new code designs < / p> The Raadswerkgroep of conduct code of Conduct a new code of conduct for members of the congregation to be prepared. In each group, one member commissioner. Ernst-Jan Straver (the Labour party), the working group chair, Jeroen van Gool (christian democrat) is vice-president.
as soon As the new code is ready, it will be on the city council is provided. It is also envisaged that the working group is concerned with all of the other rules and regulations as to the manner of work of the council and of the raadscommissies.
All groups, except the SP LINE, and the Better the Gun, the setting up of the working group with this task.