“The discussions interafghanes should start within a day or two after the release of 400 prisoners as” the taliban guilty of serious crimes, according to the president.

peace talks are historic between Kabul and the taliban are “on the verge” of starting, has announced that the government of afghanistan on Sunday, following the decision by a grand assembly to release 400 prisoners the taliban guilty of serious crimes.

“We are about to (begin) negotiations of peace,” assured dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the government official in charge of the talks. “The discussions interafghanes should start within a day or two after the release of the 400 prisoners”, has said the ex-president Hamid Karzai.

The future of prisoners represents a crucial issue in the opening of negotiations, the two sides are engaged in an exchange of prisoners, which must precede these discussions. “Today I will sign a decree to release the 400 prisoners remaining,” said the afghan president Ashraf Ghani.

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Kabul has already released nearly 5,000 prisoners of the taliban, but the afghan authorities have so far refused to free the last 400 of the captives claimed by the insurgents. Some are involved in deadly attacks killing Afghans and foreigners, including many French.

The resolution, which recommends the release of the prisoners has been adopted after three days of discussion and debate among thousands of dignitaries afghans. “In order to remove barriers to the opening of peace talks, to put an end to the carnage, and for the good of the public, the jirga approves the release of 400 prisoners requested by the taliban,” said Atefa Tayeb, member of the assembly.

Among the captives concerned, according to the official list, there are more than 150 sentenced to death, as well as a group of 44 captive “undesirable”, a kind of black list full of profiles that are deemed problematic by the authorities, american and afghan, but also other countries.

A release “inconceivable”

This group includes the two murderers of Bettina Goislard, used French of the united nations High commissioner for refugees, killed on 16 November 2003 in Ghazni, 130 kilometres south of Kabul. Saturday, in a press release, the victim’s family has deemed it “inconceivable” that the two men can be freed.

The list also contains the name of a former afghan soldier who had turned his weapon against the French soldiers in 2012 in the province of Kapisa, killing five of them and injuring 13 others. Five of the captives have also played a role in the attack in 2018 of the Intercontinental hotel in Kabul, in which 40 people were killed, including 14 foreigners.

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Friday, the american secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on the dignitaries to accomplish this release “unpopular”. “The taliban must now demonstrate that they are not afraid of a cease-fire national”, has, however, added the head of State of afghanistan on Sunday, referring to a request of the great assembly for a truce in “serious, immediate and sustainable” across the country.