Several million French people will very soon see a debit line appear on their bank account from taxes.

Be careful, the taxes will appear in your bank account. In the middle of February, the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP) will directly take a debit from millions of French people. Don’t panic, it’s normal. Above all, if you are concerned, it is because you decided so by taking steps with the tax authorities. But be careful not to forget this expense because it may be new to you!

On average, around 90 euros will be removed from your budget. However, the amount will vary depending on each French person since the calculation is not the same for anyone, or almost. If only a few tens of euros can be taken from you, the amount could just as easily exceed a hundred euros.

As of Thursday, February 15, 2024, the tax office will in fact collect the monthly property tax. This only concerns owners who have chosen to pay part of it every month. The benefit for these taxpayers: smoothing out over the year the payment of a bill whose amount continues to rise and will further increase, at a minimum, by 3.9% for everyone in 2024.

Owners who have been making monthly payments for several months or years are already used to this schedule set by taxes. But some new people are joining the system this month: these are those who have completed the monthly payment procedures between December 15 and 31, 2023. For them, the first withdrawal will arrive shortly. Each month, the monthly payment is taken on the 15th, even if there may be differences in dates depending on bank deadlines.

Beyond the property tax, the DGFiP also collects, on the same date, a monthly payment of housing tax on second homes. Owners who, in addition to their main residence, own an additional house or apartment (or several) and do not have a declared tenant on January 1 are subject to this tax.

Each monthly payment corresponds to 1/10th of the total bill for 2023. They are paid until October. When the exact amount for 2024 is known – normally in September – taxpayers will then receive a message from tax to indicate how much remains to be paid in addition to the money already paid during the year. These expenses will take place in November and, perhaps, also in December if the amount is large.