The Stop Homophobia and Mousse associations filed a complaint on Friday January 26 against the former management of the private school under Stanislas contract for “discrimination linked to sexual orientation”.

The controversy surrounding the private school under Stanislas contract continues. Two associations announced that they had filed a complaint for “discrimination linked to sexual orientation” this Friday, January 26, against the former management of the Parisian private college. The Stop Homophobia and Mousse associations underline in particular, in a joint press release, that catechism courses, obligatory within the establishment, would have been “conducted without control”, with “speakers who make homophobic, anti-abortion and promote conversion therapy.

The statement also reports that a first grade student was reportedly excluded because she objected to homophobic remarks. According to the child’s father, a manager at the establishment “harassed” her. An event which was the subject of an inspection report. This states that the student had “positions considered as activism on homosexuality”, due, among other things, to an “LGBT sweater that the student refused to remove”, indicates an email from the manager written to his superiors. Described as “toxic” by the former management of the establishment, the student who would have been awarded the 3rd prize of excellence in 2022 would not have been able to complete her final year at Stanislas.

Terrence Kathourian, general secretary of Stop Homophobia, welcomes this complaint: it “will allow the police to conduct an in-depth investigation inside the school, in order to shed light on the LGBTphobic actions of management” .

The complaint from the two associations is based in particular on article 225-2 of the Penal Code which punishes “discriminatory refusals to access private education services”. A complaint which echoes the revelations of Mediapart of last January 17 which revealed the content of a report carried out as part of an administrative investigation, submitted to the Ministry of Education on August 1, 2023. We learn in this one ” the sexist and homophobic excesses of the private establishment.

The Minister of Education and Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, who sends her children to school at Stanislas, assured that this report did not reveal “any fact of homophobia or any case of harassment”. 3,500 students, from kindergarten to preparatory classes, are educated at Stanislas. The establishment has been at the heart of a controversy since Amélie Oudéa-Castéra tried to explain why her children are educated there.